
Fast 1-Step RT-qPCR Mix

Fast 1-Step RT-qPCR master mix contains Taq polymerase, reaction buffer, dNTP, MgCl2, stabilizers, PCR enhancers, and separate reverse transcriptase and RNase inhibitor. It is ideal for developing multiplex one-step qPCR diagnostic tests and is suited for high-throughput, automated platforms.

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Meridian's Fast 1-Step RT-qPCR Mix

  • Create ultra-sensitive RT-qPCR assays to deliver reproducible results from low copy number RNA targets

  • Robust formulation delivers consistent, reliable one-step RT-PCR performance in fast cycling conditions

  • Minimizes non-specific amplification for improved assay sensitivity and reliability

  • High efficiency, giving excellent performance in multiplex qPCR assays

Fast, singleplex (red) and multiplex qPCR (blue) of a ten-fold serial dilution of an RNA target

Fast 1-Step RT-qPCR Mix graph
A 10-fold serial dilution of human cDNA amplified with four different probes; both in singleplex reactions (blue line) and quadruplex reaction (the red line displayed is for the same primers as for the singleplex). Five replicates were run (10 min 45°C followed by 2 min 95°C and 45 cycles 95°C 5s, 20°C 10s) and the results illustrate the high sensitivity, excellent reproducibility and Ct values for both the singleplex and multiplex reactions with no reduction of efficiency that is often associated with multiplexing.

Fast 1-Step RT-qPCR Mix, MDX032

Application: RT-qPCR Specimen Type: RNA Concentration: 2x High Concentration: No Wet: Liquid
Glycerol-Free: No Lyo-Ready: No Air-Dryable: No Dryable: No Sustainability:

A combination of the latest advances in buffer chemistry and PCR enhancers, together with a hot-start polymerase, dNTPs and MgCl2 and separate reverse transcriptas, ideal for fast, accurate, highly reproducible RT-qPCR.

Available in 5 mL (500 Rxns) or 100 mL (10,000 Rxns) aliquots


Fast 1-Step RT-qPCR Mix is a one-step RT-PCR master mix that has been designed with a highly optimized buffer chemistry, hot-start DNA polymerase, and reverse transcriptase, to give fast, efficient, reliable amplification of your low-copy RNA targets and subsequent highly sensitive, reproducible one-step RT-qPCR in a single tube. With high processivity and robustness, it delivers excellent results in both singleplex and multiplex qPCR assays and confers superior assay performance under fast thermal cycling conditions, allowing more samples to be run in a day with the highest confidence, ideal for high‑throughput assays.


Description The latest advances in buffer chemistry and PCR enhancers and stabilizers, together with a hot-start polymerase, dNTPs and MgCl2 and separate reverse transcriptase and RNase inhibitor, for highly reproducible, accurate assay results under fast thermal cycling conditions, ideal for automated, high-throughput systems.
Concentration 2x
Appearance Clear, colorless solution
Hot Start Antibody mediated
Application Probe-based, one-step RT-qPCR
Sample type RNA
Presentation 3 vials
Storage -20 °C
Mix stability See outer label
Consistency ±0.5 Ct variance between test and reference sample
DNA Contamination None detected in PCR amplification with traces overlay with the negative control on E. coli and mouse genomic DNA specific targets.
DNase Contamination No detectable degradation

FAQs: Fast 1-Step RT-qPCR Mix

In one-step qPCR or reverse transcription qPCR, cDNA synthesis and qPCR are performed in a single reaction tube. In two-step qPCR, cDNA is synthesized in one reaction tube, and aliquots of the cDNA is then used for a subsequent RT-qPCR experiments.

• Accurate representation of target copy number
• Best option for high-throughput screening
• Simple and rapid
• Fewer pipetting steps (reducing possible errors and contamination)
• Best method when only a few assays are run repeatedly
• Multiplex qPCR of gene of interest and control can be done in single well, from same RNA sample

There are several other advantages of one-step reactions, these include limited sample handling and reduced bench time, which helps to decrease chances for pipetting errors and cross contamination between reverse transcription and qPCR steps. This method is quick to set up and makes processing multiple RNA samples easy (especially when using liquid handling robotics), when you are amplifying only a few genes of interest. It is therefore ideal for high throughput screening laboratories where only a few reverse transcription qPCR assays are run repeatedly, using well-established reaction conditions, with the added advantage that multiplex qPCR of the gene of interest and control genes can be done in single well, from same RNA sample.

Gene-specific primers are required for generating the cDNA and for subsequent amplification in one tube, however this reduces experimental variation, since both enzymatic reactions take place under the same conditions, making one-step qPCR highly reproducible.
One-step RT-PCR requires careful evaluation to prevent primer dimer formation, because the primers will be present during the lower temperature conditions of the RT reaction as well as the qPCR cycling. This is particularly important in multiplex qPCR assays.

There are several ways to avoid genomic contamination with reverse transcription qPCR. Firstly, design forward and reverse primers in exons upstream and downstream of a large intron. This strategy favors the smaller amplicon and will prevent the genomic DNA from being amplified.
Secondly, for genes that lack introns or when the genomic structure is unknown, pre-treat the RNA with DNase I to remove genomic DNA.

No, intercalating dyes bind into all DNA, this means that they cannot be used for multiplex qPCR, as different amplicons cannot be distinguished, whereas different dyes can be used on probes for different amplicons. This also makes probe-based systems more specific; only detect the gene of interest, even making it possible to distinguish between similar sequences with small differences like SNPs or mutations. In general, probe assays need less optimization, and they can be used for multiplex qPCR.

When template RNA has stable secondary structures and when doing multiplex qPCR, it can be beneficial to extend the reaction time up to 20 minutes and/or the temperature use elevated temperatures (up to 48°C) in the reverse transcription reaction. If the RNA contains a lot of stable secondary structures (often seen in RNA viruses), we recommend using an RT-qPCR mix with a thermostable reverse transcriptase, such as Inhibitor-Tolerant RT-qPCR Mix (MDX016), where the reverse transcription reaction time can be extended up to 55° C.

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